Convert Domain Account To Local Account Windows 10

2020. 1. 23. 06:08카테고리 없음

Convert Domain Account To Local Account Windows 10

With Windows 8, its preferable to sign into your PC with a Microsoft account—or what we still call a Windows Live ID—to take advantage of SkyDrive-based settings sync and deep integration with several new Metro-style apps and other capabilities. But if you signed in with a local account for whatever reason, you can still take advantage of Windows 8’s Microsoft account integration. You just need to convert the local account.It used to be easy.

In the old days—i.e. Before Windows 8—consumers and individuals would typically use a local account—an account that was tied to a single PC—to log on to Windows, whereas corporate and enterprise users would utilize centrally managed, Active Directory-based domain accounts.In Windows 8, it’s still easy, but now the preferred sign in type for consumers and individuals is a Microsoft account, or what’s still referred to as a Windows Live ID. A Microsoft account is preferable to a local account for a few reasons. But the big one is that you gain seamless and automatic PC-to-PC settings sync capabilities, replicating your environment across each PC you use.When confronted with Windows 8 for the first time, however, some people choose to use an old-fashioned local account for some reason; perhaps they’re confused about the benefits of a Microsoft account, or are suspicious of the software giant for some reason. Others aren’t given the opportunity to sign-in with a Microsoft account: Windows 8 Setup won’t provide this option if the PC is offline when it’s first set up, perhaps because Setup couldn’t detect a networking adapter or Internet connection.Whatever the reason, if you originally set up Windows 8 to sign in with a local account, you can convert, or switch, that account to a Microsoft account easily enough. Here’s how.Note: As with a domain account, you could choose to sign in to connected apps like Mail, People, Messaging, Calendar, Music, Video Xbox LIVE Games, and so on and not convert your local account to a Microsoft account. However, if you do this, you won’t be able to sync settings with this PC.

If you’re still interested in keeping your local account, please refer to Method 1 in for information about simply signing into individual connected apps instead. But I recommend using a Microsoft account.Sign in to Windows 8, and then navigate to PC Settings. You can do so via the Settings pane (WINKEY + I, Change PC Settings) or via the Charms bar (WINKEY + C, Settings, Change PC Settings).Then, navigate to Users.

Windows 10 local account

Disconnect your machine from the domain, make sure you have a local user profile setup on the machine with admin access so you can log back in afterwards, then reboot machine. Step 4: User Profile Wizard user account into.

As you can see, there’s a handy button named “Switch to a Microsoft Account”.When you click this button, you’ll be asked to confirm the password for the local account. If you didn’t supply a password—shame on you—just tap Enter.Then, you’ll be prompted to enter the email address of your Microsoft account/Windows Live ID, and then the related password, and the security verification info.

These steps are identical to the process you’d undergo during Windows Setup if you had signed in with a Microsoft account in the first place.When you’re done, you’ll notice some major changes.First, your account name has been changed to a Microsoft account/Windows Live ID and the “Switch to a Microsoft Account” button in PC Settings, Users has changed to “Switch to a Local Account.”Settings sync will be enabled, which you can verify by visiting PC Settings, Sync Your Settings. And all of the connected apps in Windows 8 will now sign-in automatically.Voila!

RECOMMENDED:Ever since the release of Windows 8, Microsoft has been pushing users to sign in to Windows operating system with a Microsoft account, and Windows 10 is no different. Right from the time of installation, Windows 10 tries to push users sign in with a Microsoft account.

Microsoft account in Windows 10There are a couple of benefits of signing in to Windows 10 with a Microsoft account: you can use the digital personal assistant Cortana, download and install apps from the Store, and sync your settings across your PCs.While it’s possible to, and, Windows 10 always tries to switch your account to Microsoft account.For instance, if you’re using a local user account and have signed in to the Store app using a Microsoft account, you will often see prompts asking to enter your local user account to easily convert your local user account into Microsoft account. If you’re not interested in the or located in a region where Cortana is not currently available, you can completely block or disable Microsoft accounts in Windows 10.Yes, those of you who prefer a local account to Microsoft account will be glad to know that you can disable or block Microsoft accounts in Windows 10. Windows 10 includes a provision under Group Policy to block Microsoft accounts and one can enable this policy to block or disable Microsoft accounts in Windows 10.For those who are curious, you will be able to install apps from the Store even after disabling or blocking Microsoft account.

Convert Domain Account To Local Account Windows 10 Mail

How to block or disable Microsoft account in Windows 10:Note: Since Local Group Policy Editor is not available in the Home edition of Windows 10, this guide is limited to Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise editions. I upgraded to windows 10 and they had a typo when I registered -.comn This is my work computer.I can no longer sign in and I am blocked from signing into Microsoft on my personal computer for trying my normal password too many times. For 2 days, going on 3, no one at Microsoft can help my issue. I can get into command prompt but only with a Download tool on USBsince using that, which is windows 10, will it block me. I am the only sign on for this computer and i cannot verify the email address for my password to work. I am extremely frustrated!below is my personal email. I hope you have some good advice for meThanks.Eric says.

Convert Domain Account To Local Account Windows 10